Relaxing in Nueva Gorgona

Birds attac!!

Wednesday January 25, 2012

We slept till 9.30am, and got a little breakfast at the hotel. Afterwards we took a walk to the beach wich isn`t very attractive here.

!–more–>The only thing that was really fascinating were the birds that tried to steal some fish from the returning boats of the fishermen. You can buy fish here directly from the boat if you like.

We watched the scene for a while and as it was fucking hot, we decided to spend the rest of the day in the hotel pool.

It wasn`t exactly clean, but with enough heat you can easily ignore some facts!As the supermarket was closed, we had to eat our last reserves,a really nice dinner as you can see on the picture!!

Birds attac!!
Birds attack!!
Birds don t give up
Birds don t give up
Vulture enjoying a fishhead
Vulture enjoying a fishhead
Our lovely dinner
Our lovely dinner

Aguadulce-Nueva Gorgona: Flat tire,accident and robbery at the local supermarket

Fixing again

Tuesday January 24, 2012, 115 km (71 miles) – Total so far: 996 km (619 miles)

Again the Panamericana. We cycled about 20 km and flat tire number three occured at my wife`s bike. I really don`t know why she is so upset every time, because the one who has to fix it is poor Gerardo.

Fortunately she noticed it, when we were buying some stuff at a supermarket just on the roadside, and I decided to fix it right there because here they offered a very important thing: Shadow!! It didm`t take me so long because I just changed the tube and on we went.

„Aguadulce-Nueva Gorgona: Flat tire,accident and robbery at the local supermarket“ weiterlesen


Strange feelings

Monday January 23, 2012, 75 km (47 miles) – Total so far: 881 km (547 miles)

Surprise, surprise! As we were ready to cycle on, my wife`s bike again had a flat tire. Nothing to do against it, we had to stay and I first fixed that damned tire again. Two flat tires in two days? She was kind of freakin`but man – shit happens, you got to stay cool. No problem, we just got on the road half past eight instead of seven. A little bit more sun-that`s all.

„Santiago-Aguadulce“ weiterlesen

Las Lajas-Santiago: Steep mountains & hot sun

Up in the mountains

Saturday January 21, 2012, 120 km (75 miles) – Total so far: 806 km (501 miles)

A long stretch without any accomodation possibility, so we already started in the dark at 6am. The early mornings provide you with fresh air and it`s hard to believe how hot it gets during the day. As soon as we reached the main road (still the Panamericana) the road began to climb up into the mountains.

„Las Lajas-Santiago: Steep mountains & hot sun“ weiterlesen

Gualaca-Las Lajas: Panamericana here we come


Friday January 20, 2012, 98 km (61 miles) – Total so far: 686 km (426 miles)

We`ve been on the road at 7am. There wasn`t too much traffic and not too much climbs,( they call them „lomos“ here ) this morning, so we took it easy looking for a possibility to have breakfast. As it was early, everything was still closed and we ate some cookies to have someting in our stomach.

„Gualaca-Las Lajas: Panamericana here we come“ weiterlesen

Punta Peña-Gualaca: Crossing the Cordillera

Starting in the rain

Thursday January 19, 2012, 71 km (44 miles) – Total so far: 588 km (365 miles)

We started early in the morning at 5:40am in the dark. Though the lights of my bike are really good, for my wife Anette found it kind of weird to cycle into the jungle in the dark and she said she considerd it quite scary.
But at 6:30am daylight began and she was happy. Almost at the same time it began to rain and it developped into constant, heavy rain that wouldn`t stop for houers. Our rain jackets are of good quality but after hours of heavy rain they gave up their resistence and left us all wet inside…. We had a breakfast break beside the road, pulled off our shirts and wrapped our cambodian Khmer scarfs around us putting the shirt on again.

„Punta Peña-Gualaca: Crossing the Cordillera“ weiterlesen

Almirante-Punta Peña: Still climbing

Road to Punta Pena

Wednesday January 18, 2012, 75 km (47 miles) – Total so far: 517 km (321 miles)

It wasn`t really hard to say good-bye to Almirante, and so we got back on the road very early heading for Punta Peña. The road continued like it ended yesterday, with constantly and often steep climbs. In between, we met two german girls also biking and they were going just the other direction towards Boca de Toros.

„Almirante-Punta Peña: Still climbing“ weiterlesen

Puerto Viejo to Almirante: Crossing the border to Panama

Way to the border

Tuesday January 17, 2012, 90 km (56 miles) – Total so far: 442 km (275 miles)

The way to the border was dominated by huge banana plantationes. Incredible how much man power is still involved in the harvest of the fruits. We passed many factories which mainly give a good impression of how hard that work is.Moving the fruits after picking them, packing and loading them – everything handmade.

„Puerto Viejo to Almirante: Crossing the border to Panama“ weiterlesen