126 km (78 miles) – Total so far: 417 km (259 miles)
At 5 o´clock I already woke up. Well, my morning „business as usual“ followed, and at 6 o´clock I was already pedaling. Strange weather: until 8 o´clock it was very foggy and very wet.
Small wheels in a big world
126 km (78 miles) – Total so far: 417 km (259 miles)
At 5 o´clock I already woke up. Well, my morning „business as usual“ followed, and at 6 o´clock I was already pedaling. Strange weather: until 8 o´clock it was very foggy and very wet.
I slept until 8 and went to have breakfast in a typical mexican restaurant. I had some „mexican eggs“ ; eggs with a lot of habaneros beans and tortillas,delicious.
114 km (71 miles) – Total so far: 291 km (181 miles)
Wow- I woke up at 5 o´clock already and one hour later I was pedaling. I had to ask people to find the road I wanted to to take. There was a small secondary road that seemed to be a quiet option to the main road, but google maps (installed on my mobil) was sending me to I don t know where. But with the help of the people I found it.
82 km (51 miles) – Total so far: 177 km (110 miles)
I really slept good tonight, even didn´t hear my alarm ringing in the morning. Still I was awake early enough for holidays at 6:20. My usual morning ritual followed: packing my bike and leaving the posada to buy some breakfast and provisions for the day. It was 7 o´clock when I left heading for downtown.
95 km (59 miles) – Total so far: 95 km (59 miles)
The night was very short – I woke up at 3:30 for the fan in my room was so loud. It took me some time to fall asleep again, but at 6 o´clock I definitely was awake. I packed the last things and at 7 o´clock I was on the road.
Today I woke up very early. It was only 6:30a.m. I started to pack my stuff because today I needed to change my guesthouse again. They don´t have any room left for me, and I did my online reservation for only one night.
The first night that I could sleep without waking up until the next morning.
I didn´t sleep too long – at 9a.m. I woke up, took my bike out of the box and put it together. When I went to have breakfast they told me „sorry, no more breakfast. It´s only served until 10:30“.
I woke up today early at 7 o´clock in the morning. I hoped to feel better today, because I already know how bad it feels to fly with a bad cold but unfortunately this bad bronchitis I´m fighting now for almost a week with decided to stay with me. Anyway – with a lot of pills and drugs inside I got in the van of a friend who picked me up at 9am. One hour later we arrived at Frankfurt airport. I checked in my stuff including the bike without a problem.
I will be riding this time with my Bike Friday New World Tourist with Rohloff and I am riding the first time only with two rear panniers