Thursday January 19, 2012, 71 km (44 miles) – Total so far: 588 km (365 miles)
We started early in the morning at 5:40am in the dark. Though the lights of my bike are really good, for my wife Anette found it kind of weird to cycle into the jungle in the dark and she said she considerd it quite scary.
But at 6:30am daylight began and she was happy. Almost at the same time it began to rain and it developped into constant, heavy rain that wouldn`t stop for houers. Our rain jackets are of good quality but after hours of heavy rain they gave up their resistence and left us all wet inside…. We had a breakfast break beside the road, pulled off our shirts and wrapped our cambodian Khmer scarfs around us putting the shirt on again.
„Punta Peña-Gualaca: Crossing the Cordillera“ weiterlesen