Malargüe chilling: Meeting the Malargüe policewomen

Wednesday January 23, 2013

We had that typical argentinian breakfast which doesn´t take much time, and went to find a place where we could wash our clothes. As everything was closed because of the week-end (one of the few argentinian towns where people respect the week-end!) we ended up having a milk shake in a small cafe beside the main road.

The german couple we met yesterday passed by with their landrover defender again and sat down with us to talk a little bit.
Later on we met two policewomen who were in charge by bike, and of course we took some photos.
There was nothing to do on a sunday here so we had a quite big siesta and later went to have dinner.

Downtown Malargüe
Downtown Malargüe
Malargüe is a secure town
Malargüe is a secure town

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