Dambulla-Sigiriyia: Climbing the rock

Sea rose lake on the road

Wednesday January 1, 2014, 20 km (12 miles) – Total so far: 328 km (204 miles)

An easy and short ride. We started only at 10 o´clock after having breakfast. Again we had to pass through the town of Dambulla which was less chaotic then yesterday but still we were happy to get out of it. The streets here in Sri Lanka are amazingly good, and so was the road today. No problems.

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Anuradhapura – Dambulla: Visiting the cave temples

Leaving Anuradhapura

Tuesday December 31, 2013, 73 km (45 miles) – Total so far: 308 km (191 miles)

We intended to leave much earlier then we did in the end, because the bye bye turned out to be a long morning chat with the owner of our „Boa Vista“ guesthouse. It was already getting hot as we left at 7.30.
After having passed the town the road was getting a lot calmer and we rode along relaxed. The familiar scenery of rice fields, coconut stands and private houses was interrupted by busy, loud and chaotic little towns we passed on the way.

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Visiting the Ancient city of Anuradhapura: Hot feet and the old tree

The oldest tree in the world

Sunday December 29, 2013, 13 km (8 miles) – Total so far: 235 km (146 miles)

Breakfast in “Boa Vista” at 8.30: Toast with butter and jam, some fruits, some spicey coconut and scrambled eggs. Very nice breakfast.
We´re going to visit the ancient city of Annuradhapura today. It was once the cultural and spiritual center of Sri Lanka and the formar capital.

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Putalam-Anuradhapura: Meeting people

Beware of elephants

Saturday December 28, 2013, 78 km (48 miles) – Total so far: 222 km (138 miles)

At 7.20 a.m. we started riding. The weather was cloudy but extremely humid, after 1km our shirts were wet already. We saw the first “elephants crossing”-signs and some poor soldiers from the sri lankan army did their morning sports program and were jogging along the road all dressed with uniform, boots and carrying Kalachnikovs. It was amazing how strong such fragile looking persons could be.

„Putalam-Anuradhapura: Meeting people“ weiterlesen

Chilaw-Putalam: A taste of „off-road“

Leaving Chilaw

Friday December 27, 2013, 68 km (42 miles) – Total so far: 144 km (89 miles)

LEFT“>As the “Chilaw hotel” didn´t serve breakfast we left quite early and had some bananas on the way. Like yesterday we cycled on secondary roads after a short stretch on the busy main road. Half of the way was an unpaved road, just red sand, but thanks to god it wasn´t so deep that the bikes would sink into it.

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