Monday January 21, 2013
After waking up about 10 o´clock we had the typical argentinian breakfast, some sweet small croissants, which they call here „half moons“( spanish: media lunas) and some coffee. You practically won´t find a breakfast in Argentina with scrambled eggs, cheese or even bacon, and breakfast buffets exist only in the more luxury hotels at tourist regions.
Later we took some Mate with us and went to the hotel pool-a thing we were looking forward since we had arrived. Unfortunately the pool had very little water, just maybe knee hight, and it wasn´t clean. So we just put our feet in, drank some Mates and relaxed. We were there maybe about 15 minutes when the sky turned dark and thunder was roaring.
Heavy wind was rising up and we got back to our room. Just in time. A heavy thunderstorm with lightnings and rainfall was blustering for one hour. Seemed someone decided that this wasn´t the day to enjoy the pool.
In the evening we prepared our stuff, went to buy food for the trip tomorrow. We had dinner in the hotel and afterwards a nice chat with the clerk of the hotel reception.
About the situation of Argentina, life and society here and so on. One of the few people here that weren´t complaining about the government, so there are some folks who voted for Christina Kirchner, one was already wondring how she ever could get in power, because practically everyone seemed to complain about her- a phenomenon!