Haputale: Recovering strength after three days of cycling in the mountains

Thursday January 23, 2014

We tried to sleep long, but we were awake at only 7 o´clock in the morning. After breakfast we went to the town center to find a bike shop. There is a small one and the guy tried his best, but I wanted to adjust the
Threaded Headset, and at last he didn´t have the necessary tool.

I needed two wrenches, 36mm. Well, I have to do it at home.
But at least I was doing some „maintain-work“, like checking everything, putting oil on the chain and so on.
The rest of the day we were just chilling on our nice guesthouse balcony.

Haputale city
Haputale city
View from our room
View from our room
Bicycle care on the guest house terrace
Bicycle care on the guest house terrace
My office on the guesthouse balcony
My office on the guesthouse balcony

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