Coba – Akumal: Rivera Maya – a different Mexico

78 km (48 miles) – Total so far: 916 km (569 miles)

Although the weather forecast was predicting rainy weather, it wasn´t really bad when we left Coba in the morning.

I had put the alarm an hour too late, so when we started it was already eight instead of 7am. It had rained all night and as now the temperature was rising it felt like inside of a steamer, but anyway better than pouring rain.

Cycling was easy on this wide and well paved road, it just felt a little bit boring after some time because it was always going straight and there was nothing to see. I listened to the music of my mp3.
Arriving in Tulum we wanted to take advantage of the ATM´s that you can find here. It took us some time, because the two first ones didn´t work with our bank and the third one was empty…

So until we finally found an ATM that was working (at 7/11)about one hour was over! The next 30 km to our B&B were amazing in a negative sense. All along the road huge and fancy resorts and hotels „all inclusive style“ that used lawn sprinklers for their gardens while a lot of people here in those forgotten villages that we had passed don´t even have an easy access to potable water.

Everything is adapted to the expectations of tourists -mainly from the U.S. but also from Europe- and so are the prices. It´s like a different country here but not like a better one in a sense.
Our B&B „Maya Eco Village“ is 1km from the main road through a narrow dirt road, but when we arrived it looked very good. The owner is an Italian guy who took us to the supermarket after we had a shower. This was quite necessary as we didn´t have any food with us and they serve only breakfast here.

He charged us the same price that a taxi would have costed and that´s exactly the difference: Of course he needn´t do it for free, but in the smaller more basic hostels they would have taken you without paying them. Yeah, money makes the world go round I guess.

The blue bird
The blue bird
Boring road always straight
Boring road always straight
Passing Tulum
Passing Tulum
Finding the way to our cabanas Maya Eco Village
Finding the way to our cabanas Maya Eco Village
Almost there
Almost there

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