Sunday February 5, 2012
Normally you shouldn`t go to visit a National Park on a sunday, because there are many people. Although we knew that, we went, because on mondays it`s closed and we didn’t want to stay until Tuesday just for the Park.
Small wheels in a big world
Sunday February 5, 2012
Normally you shouldn`t go to visit a National Park on a sunday, because there are many people. Although we knew that, we went, because on mondays it`s closed and we didn’t want to stay until Tuesday just for the Park.
Saturday February 4, 2012
We had a very nice breakfast with fresh fruit, scrambeld eggs, toast, marmelade and some cake. Our stomachs were full to the brim and we did an „after-breakfast-siesta“, pura vida like they say here.
Friday February 3, 2012, 70 km (43 miles) – Total so far: 1,318 km (819 miles)
At 6am we were on our way to have some time riding without the hot sun. The road was nice, some stretches went right along the seaside and there was only little traffic. We had some impression of „Road wildlife“ in Costa Rica, that can be very tragic sometimes….
Thursday February 2, 2012
After a nice breakfast with „Gallo Pinto“ and some „Batidas“ we first took a little nap and then walked to the Uvita Cascade.
Wednesday February 1, 2012, 12 km (7 miles) – Total so far: 1,248 km (775 miles)
We got up a little bit later than usual, had some nice breakfast in the Tucan hotel and afterwards left for the new location. Riding down to the beach we saw many occasions to sleep, all cabanias right on the beach, but all looked a little bit run down and I hoped ours would look better.
Tuesday January 31, 2012, 55 km (34 miles) – Total so far: 1,236 km (768 miles)
A very relaxing ride, all flat and only 55 kms. We actually arrived quite early at Uvita and found a room in a small nice hotel, called the Tucan hotel. Uvita is a ridicolous small village of just a few houses, a supermarket and a bank with an ATM machine.
Monday January 30, 2012, 100 km (62 miles) – Total so far: 1,181 km (734 miles)
The drive with the bus was more or less o.k. Less because they had turned on the A/C to the maximum and you felt like in a freezer. It was fucking cold. I had to put on all my jackets and wrapped my cambodian scarf around my head.
Sunday January 29, 2012
Organizing the bus transfer to Paso Canoa (the border to Costa Rica) took us half day, the patient soul of Panama again showed its whole dimension. After breakfast we took a taxi to the bus station as you can buy your ticket only at the same day you want to travel.
„Panama city: Organizing the bus to the frontier with Cost Rica (Paso Canoa)“ weiterlesen
Saturday January 28, 2012
We got up earlier this morning for we wanted to find a bike shop to maybe get a new tube for my wife`s bike and just see what`s about bikes in Panama….In our hotel they can`t help you with nothing, I don`t know from which planet they are, but surely they don`t know anything about Panama City.
„Panama city: Sightseeing: Panama Viejo,Parque Metropolitano“ weiterlesen
Friday January 27, 2012
We were so keen on visiting the famous Panama Channel that this was our first aim in the ranking of the sights.They have a visitor center right by the Channel, called „Miraflores“ and we took a taxi to go there (in Panama City everyone moves in Taxies as local buses are not very reliable and you have to tell the driver where you want to go and he drops you off there.
!–more–>Going to „Miraflores“ they drop you of 15min walking for example…). When we arrived, it was already crowded and you wait in an endless queue. (First you wait in the queue where you buy the tickets, after you wait in another queue to enter.) The upper floor you couldn`t even visit because it was under construction and there was only one floor left to see the ship passing.
Actually you were looking at a big watergate on an absolutely crowded visitor`s terrasse. Not a big deal, honestly. From there we went to „Casco Viejo“ the colonial part of Panama City, which is much nicer than the rest of the town. Always you have to bargain the price of the taxi before taking it, because there are no taximeters existing in Panama. Often they try to give you the „Gringo-Version“ of the real price.
„Casco Viejo“ is an absolutely charming place that shouldn`t be missed when you are in Panama City.