Friday January 20, 2012, 98 km (61 miles) – Total so far: 686 km (426 miles)
We`ve been on the road at 7am. There wasn`t too much traffic and not too much climbs,( they call them „lomos“ here ) this morning, so we took it easy looking for a possibility to have breakfast. As it was early, everything was still closed and we ate some cookies to have someting in our stomach.
We thought for sure that at the junction, where this road would meet the Panamericana we could get something to eat, but there was only a gas station… So we took a taste of the Panamericana for the first time of our journey – with empty stomachs! The Panamericana itself is no big deal, a big road with a lot of traffic and a lot of these scary monster-trucks.
For God`s sake there were shoulders beside the lines, otherwise it would be horror movie to go there by bike. The Panamericana began to be hilly again and it stayed like this until we reached Las Lajas.
Playa de Las Lajas is a small strip of beach and as it was the week end, all the cabins were full, and so we could only get a room (they also told us the last one they had!) in the fucking expensive beach resort where they take 99 USD per night. Well, you got to take it as it is and we tried to enjoy the luxury at least. Pool, restaurant and of course private beach.