Friday January 19, 2018, 93 km – Total so far: 145km
What an extraordinary awesome breakfast! We hardly could believe how many plates the owner happily was bringing one after the other towards our table!
Huge amounts of fresh fruit like papaya, pineapple and bananas, scrambled eggs, coconut sambal (a mix of smashed coconut, onions and chili) to put on the ricenoodles called “stringhoppers” (the typical local breakfast), dal curry, jam, toast. The best thing were some sweet rolls of stringhoppers filled with a mix of smashed coconut and honey. Food paradise Sri Lanka!We really ate only a little bit of all those sri lankan food jewels, because if not we wouldn´t have needed the bikes for rolling..
Eight o´clock we finally started the trip, the good-byes are always a little bit sad when you felt so good like we did here.
The first 25kms we cycled along the main road A3 which they call here the Puttalam road. Traffic was o.k. but still you get tired after a while of the constant noise and horns.size: small;So when we turned left on a side road leading to the village of Unappuwa we were happy. As soon as you cycle a side road here it´s peaceful and quiet, unbelievable.
The weather was perfect, not too hot. The more nothern we came, the more you could feel the breeze of the ocean. It was so nice.
We cycled through a lot of small towns and villages, some buddhistic or hindu with colorful temples from which there came the sound of the typical religious music, some muslim with mosques and the typical prayers of the imams.
The breeze slowly turned into wind and the last kms, we had some head winds but still not too bad.
When we arrived in Kalpitya, we had to look for a place and we found that all the places here call themselves “resorts” and they are placed all next to the sea. No wonder, the area is known for kite-surfing, diving and dolphin watching.
The places look all more or less the same, some bungalows that are mostly basic. Often no hot water. Some provide the guests with breakfast or dinner.
Well the first place we looked was a little bit too basic for the price and the owner didn´t offer dinner. As all the resorts are placed some kms out of town center we wanted to have this possibility. If not you must get into town in the evening and find yourself a place to eat. Even if they charge you a little bit more if you eat inside the resort for us it is worth avoiding the effort of an extra trip to town in the dark.
The second place was a little bit better, but also basic and without the eating option. But you have about a million possibilities to find a place and the third one was matching for us. Nice terrain, super friendly and helpful owners and a reasonable price. Basic but o.k. It´s name is Werala beach resort.
So everything o.k. Besides my damned cold. I am feeling f…ing crappy Think we have to stop cycling at least for one day, maybe two. I have to recover a little bit for I don´t wanna risk a real pulmonal inflamation (I still got a some fever), I want to regain my voice which is still missing and Anette will kill me if I don´t do a break now.
Things can only get better!!