Wednesday January 17,2018
This night was very short for me. Sleeping felt like a nightmare. We had been eating in a small place on the roadside, and although I just had some fried riceI fwith chicken, I really felt sick at night.
My stomach was aching like hell and for some hours I was with high fever and shivering because I felt so cold. Horrible night, I didn t sleep much.
We got up at 10:30 and I asked the staff if we could still have breakfast. Although breakfast time was over at 10 a.m. normally, they said yes. In fact, I didn´t eat much, but I enjoyed the hot tea and I began to feel better.
After we chilled a little bit in our room and I had a one hour power nap. Again I was feeling better afterwards.
We started to fill our plan of cycling to the north with a little more details, and as we found out that we had forgotten the road map of Sri Lanka at home we decided to go to Negombo to get one and to change some money.
The center of Negombo is a loud and busy place full of cars, motorcycles, tuk-tuks, cyclists and pedestrians – all at the same time running and pushing foreward. I think it´s not an attractive place to be, but there are places that seem worse.
On our way back we went to buy some grocceries in the supermarket for tomorrow . We decided to have dinner tonight in our hotel. Hopefully their kitchen is good, so tonight I will sleep.