17 km (11 miles) – Total so far: 761 km (473 miles)
Seems I cannot sleep longer then 7 o´clock in the mornings any more. Wish it was like this back home when I have to get up to go to work…..I went to have breakfast. Some tasty mexican eggs and a delicious orange juice today.
After I was looking for a bikeshop. Very close to my hotel I could find a small one. I had to wait until the owner had finished his breakfast. We did some teamwork: I took off the rear whee and he put the new spoke in that I had carried with me.
Good idea to take a spoke in reserve because my with the rohloff gear system the spokes of my rear wheel are shorter then normal 20”. I was so happy to get my bike repaired (and also bought some nipples-just in case).
Around here there are some maya ruins called Becan. I decided to visit them. It´s an amazing place in the middle of the jungle and with just a few visitors I really enjoyed it. One can climb most of the pyramids. The biggest one is 32m high and from the top you can have a breath-taking view over the rainforest.
Afterwards I went to look where to buy some food for tomorrow and the rest of the day I just walked around a little bit and relaxed.