Friday 27 December 2019
Yesterday night I went to sleep already at 21:30 ; I was so tired….
I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow but at about half an hour later someone tried to get into my room and made me wake up. My door wasn’t locked, so I jumped out of bed yelling and shouting and whoever it was- he disappeared.
I know why I always take my security cautions: my bike was leaning against the door, so if someone would try and move the door it would make a lot of noise like it did right now.
Still I think someone was stupid enough to go to the wrong room….After that it took me some time of course to fall asleep again. I was pissed.
Finally at 6 o’clock I woke up and at 8 o’clock I got out of bed. I really wish that one day I’m able to sleep real long!
I went to have my first colombian breakfast here in my guest house. It was a soup with a piece of meat (that was consisting more of fat then of meat) and a potatoe. I ordered some scrambled eggs with „arepas“ – a kind of fusion between a tortilla and a pancake.
I decided to walk to the city and I visited the main square. Like everywhere in South America here is where life takes place.
Surprise! I met Fernando again. I was happy to see him. I was just looking around for a machete and he joined me. Nice to have company! I found and bought one and Fernando sharpened it. He really knew how to do it. Man I was happy with the new piece of my machete collection and we kept on walking around a little bit. We also went to see the river that is called like the town: Villeta.
Back at the main square another premiere: I drank my first „agua panela“ a very typical drink here. It is juice made from sugar cane and you can also drink it hot with milk. I also tried a beer that they ferment with sugar cane. It was very tasty, not sweet at all.
On the way back to my guesthouse I passed by a supermarket and bought some bananas for tomorrow.
At 7 pm I went for dinner at the same Italian restaurant like yesterday and also ate the same dish like yesterday: spagetthi a la bolognesa. Lovely.
I got back to my room finished to pack my panniers and at 21:30 – also like yesterday – I went to sleep.