Vientiane: Wellness day

Saturday 19, January 2019 4,5 km – Total so far 1377km

I woke up early today at 8 and I couldn t sleep any more. I went down the stairs and got a coffee. After I went back to my room and watched some TV.

I decided to go and find a barber shop and I cut my hair. Means that I let them shave with a real razor blade, actually. One unexpected move and…
I met again with Hernan and together we went for lunch to the fancy Italian restaurant. We both had some of those lovely pizzas

. Awesome! We cycled a little bit around waiting for the sunset on the Mekong riverside. People were cleaning the sidewalk with a lot of soap and when I passed them it with my bike it was so slippery, I just flew away. Thanks God, nothing happened.

We watched the sun go down and took a lot of pictures of the sunset. When I went back to my room finally I realized that I still had left some kips (=laotic money) so I went to get a massage again at the same place I was before right in front of my guesthouse. Again it was really good.

So I went back to my guesthouse very relaxed and I did some blog work. I packed my panniers and tomorrow it’s good-bye Laos and hello Thailand!!!

My guesthouse street
My guesthouse street
The second Landy I saw in laos so far
The second Landy I saw in laos so far
The barber gang
The barber gang
The Mekong river bank
The Mekong river bank
BF at Mekong sunset
BF at Mekong sunset
Mekong sunset
Mekong sunset
Mekong sunset
Mekong sunset
Mekong sunset
Mekong sunset
Mekong sunset on the other side Thailand
Mekong sunset on the other side Thailand
Almost gone
Almost gone
My massage shop
My massage shop
Ready to get massage
Ready to get massage


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