Wednesday January 8, 2014, 118 km (73 miles) – Total so far: 653 km (406 miles)
At 7.30 we were back on the road. Our clothes were still humid when we put them on in the morning, for the air here in Trincomalee had so much humidity, that even though we hung them outside yesterday, they wouldn´t dry 100%. But that should change soon…..
The sun was coming out very quickly and it got real hot. The clothes would have been dry immediately if we weren´t sweating like we did actually-so no change, the clothes stayed wet.
The road was easy, the stretch between the two towns seemed quite a very poor area. We passed a village just when the fishermen came back and they pulled their nets outside and put the fish on the ground to dry.
Fishing seems to be the main income here. Hard work. Further along the road all the time fish lying on the ground to dry and sometimes the smell was a challenge for the olfactory nerves, even though we both like to eat fish.
The last 30km it was just road and scenery,nothing else, and we had to put sunscreen every few kms for not to get burned.
Bus stops on the way were the only rescue from the sun here. It´s a little bit the „road to nowhere“-feeling, but we finally arrived and again found a guesthouse, the „Victoria guesthouse“, run by an amazing friendly family. The boss, a woman called „Mercy“ is a fantastic cook, and tells you all about the secrets of sri lankan recieps.
She knows a lot about healthy herbs she grows in here garden here. E.g. for dinner we had some curries made of local flowers and one made of Hibiscus blooms, both absolutely delicious. The kitchen of Sri Lanka is awesome!!