Wednesday 07 February 2018 50 km – Total so far: 904,5 km
Although today I planned to cycle only 44km, I started very early at 6:30a.m.
I cycled a small road on to the main road.
Unfortunately I took the wrong turn and I cycled the wrong direction for 5km. So I had to turn back and some extra 10kms were on my tachometer…..
On the main road there was a lot of of the typical morning traffic. Lots of school busses and trucks. A lot of noise and a lot of pollution. It was getting a little bit better when I was getting away from the town center but still it was loud and so I listened to my mp3.
The road went up and down, with many climbs. I was happy I started early in the morning. Some of the hills really made me sweat.
The landscape slowly changed and I could see the mountains.
On the way I had to stop for a picture of an old Land Rover although I was in the middle of a steep climb.
9kms before I arrived at my guesthouse the road turned into a narrow small way with postcard views of rice fields and mountains. Awesome.
The road went up very steeply with climbs of 13%. Cycling was slow for besides the fact that the road was very steep, it also was in bad conditions.
When I arrived, I found an amazing place right in the middle of nowhere. I really felt impressed. Very nice guesthouse.
I took a shower and had lunch. Even a cold beer I could get. Absolutely awesome!The rest of the afternoon I was editing pictures and thinking about where to go