Tuesday 06, February 2018 108 km – Total so far: 854,5 km
The night was short. I went with Anette to the airport at 11p.m. and when I got back to the guesthouse afterwards it was already half past midnight.
At 6 : 30 in the morning I found myself pedaling already. The first 12kms were awesome to cycle. Small roads and good weather, what else can you demand? I enjoyed it.
Unfortunately, that changed completely after those 12kms. Loud and full of traffic the road went on. Mostly there were no shoulders and I had to look constantly into my mirror to check the crazy busses and trucks coming behind me.
They really pass too close if you don’t get out of their way – cyclists are not respected here, they’re just tooting you out of the road…..
About 11 o’clock it got really hot (33°C) and I did lots of coconut breaks, which I love. They taste wonderful and take any thirst away.
The road was rising up constantly. Some stretches were really steep like 10% or even more. Finally I made about 670m hight meters.
About 10kms before Ratnapura I cycled a small road leading to my guesthouse „Sapphire Holiday Ressort“. The place is very good located, but a little bit run down. My room was big with a fan and mosquito net but actually not very clean. Well, for one night that’s ok
It was hot, and at 18p.m.there there was a storm with thunder and rain. Afterwards it was the perfect sauna.
I met a French guy who is also cycling Sri Lanka on a bike friday. Of course we chatted about the trip and former trips. This French guy seemed to have traveled the whole world already. My God, I really felt like I never been nowhere….
Here is the link to his homepage www.regis-pfaffenzeller.com.After a wonderful dinner with rice, chicken curry and a cold beer I went to sleep.