Monday January 6, 2014, 135 km (84 miles) – Total so far: 535 km (332 miles)
As a long day was lying before us, we started early in the morning at 6 o´clock. Some bananas on the way served as a breakfast. The weather was cloudy, not too bad, still warm like 28°C.
On the way we met the french guy from our first days here, he was coming from Trincomalee, where we wanted to go. He said he had two days of pouring rain there, and that the weather forecast said it would stay the same for the next days.
Well, we decided to go anyway. The more we were cycling up north, the more worsened the weather. After about 60km it started to rain and with every km more up to the north it got more heavy. We were all f… wet, the shirts the the trousers the shoes, in spite of the rain clothes.
After some hours it`s simply getting to your bones, and we were glad to arrive at our guesthouse „Dyke´s rest“. Although our wet clothes were still dropping and making everything wet, the wonderful staff was very helpful and provided us with everything that was possible to make us feel comfortable.
After a warm shower and some good „beef kotti“ at a local, muslim- run restaurant we felt alive again, but that was a tough day, man.