Sunday February 5, 2012
Normally you shouldn`t go to visit a National Park on a sunday, because there are many people. Although we knew that, we went, because on mondays it`s closed and we didn’t want to stay until Tuesday just for the Park.
Right at the entrance there were already long queues when we arrived. We were quite late also, because we had breakfast together with another couple from the United States (from Texas) and as we enjoyed talking to them, we didn`t want to leave so early and stop this nice conversation. It`s like this I think: this National Park won`t disappear the next moment, but one should enjoy the good moments because you can`t repeat them later on.
So we queued up at the Park entrance, and I already thought we would just walk through with all the crowds and won`t see not one single animal. Inside they had several trails you could walk and as most people used the main track, you could walk on the side trails in tranquility. We actually saw some nice birds, various leguans, one real big, monkeys and again some sloths (but high above in the trees).
In between we went to swim at a small, hidden beach, with strong waves, but a nice and cool refreshment.
At the main beach there were these crowds of people, and as some of them gave food to the monkeys (what is forbidden, of course) the monkeys came down to beach. Even though I could take some pictures, I didn`t like it at all. Seemed like they were trying to make a disney world thing out of real wildlife. The park closes at 4pm already and we saw a lot of animals, but in a way we were glad to get out of it.