Macuspana-Heroica Cardenas: Just to riding in the rain….
110 km (68 miles) – Total so far: 1,290 km (802 miles)
Today -after the usual morning ritual- I was pedaling very early. Soon I had to stop and get my rain jacket out of my backpacks as it already started to rain. It kept raining, raining, raining. Sometimes less sometimes stronger, but always constantly. One hour later my clothes were already totally wet. That´s life.
Anyway, I was able to go very fast and I just stopped to eat some bananas (my power snack!) and I kept on going. The road was very good, only when I was getting out of Villahermosa there was a „under construction-stretch“ for about 14km. Sometimes it was very narrow and there was a lot of dirt on the pavement. When the big trucks passed beside me I always got all the mud splashed on me- very nice!
Besides that there´s not really anything exciting to tell, today. Once when I had a break at the side of the road there came a police car that stopped exactly beside me. They wanted to control a big truck, and here in Mexico they take their M16´s before they get out of their car. It looked like they enjoyed the show. Probably they thought „shit man“ when they saw me because they couldn´t collect their usual bribe money, their “mordida” with me as a witness around. One cop went to talk with the driver in front so I couldn´t see what was really going on there, but I guess the outcome of it all was not really a big story . In fact, I must admit the whole thing seemed to be a normal traffic control, what a pity! I already was ready for an adventure….
When I got to Cardenas I could find the „Hotel Alberto“ very fast thanks to google maps. The hotel is a simple Posada with hot water. That´s the most important thing for me today, I really need it!! (And just around the corner there´s an OXXO shop). I took a shower and I fixed a clothesline in my room to hang my wet stuff. Hope it´s all dry tomorrow. Meanwhile, I got myself a coffee.
In the evening I went to the main plaza. Like everywhere, around the main plaza there are government buildings, a church – and a restaurant. The food was o.k, nothing special but more expensive than in all the other places I´ve been eating so far.
On my way back I went to a supermarket to see if I could get some bananas. At the entry the security guy wanted me to leave my bag there. (I always carry my handlebar bag with my camera inside). I told him I can´t I have my gun inside and he apologized: oh yes senior, of course. I couldn´t believe that obviously he believed me!!! Better be careful with jokes here…..
I returned to the hostel, packed my things and went to sleep. Tomorrow I will cycle to Coatzacalcos.
Sometimes I hate the KM signs because I don t want to know how many kms I still need to goToll road aheadI thought maybe to stay here…Getting close to Villa HermosaA big indian statue I could only see from behindStill rainingMy lovely bananasDrying my clothesPoor bike needs also a showerKnee pain,I put some kinesio tapeLoading images,I need to hold the cable with a ropeMain church
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