150 km (93 miles) – Total so far: 620 km (385 miles)
I knew today would be a long ride so I decided to start very early. At 5:30a.m. I was on my way. The town was sleeping-only a few people on the street. The road was going up and down as usual but in the begining there was something I enjoyed: as it was still dark, you just couldn´t see anything. So I was just feeling the course of the road, wether it was going up or down. Somehow this was nice.
Later on the road developed into a winding path with a lot of curves and jungle vegetation on both sides. Lots of birds were singing and it was beautiful to feel the earth waking up slowly. I felt happy in my heart.
I pedaled like this some kms. Then the road turned into a modern street with a big shoulders right and left. Comfortable and easy to pedal, but as it was always going straight also a little bit boring. I cycled slowly because it was still hilly with a lot of headwind. “Lovely”. I put my mp3 and listened to some music to get myself motivated. I knew that the road would change into a secondary road again somewhere, but I didn´t know exactly when. I had discovered this road on google maps, but it wasn´t marked in my „normal map“.
After about 90km there was a village and I knew I had to turn right. It was a little bit embarrassing that people told me it would not be possible to get to Bacalar this way, but I was sure I had seen it on google maps like this and I decided to try it. Besides, I was so happy to get out of the main road.
The road was like an off road path, I passed some indian villages and on the whole it felt fantastic riding through the jungle.Some small waters to cross in between-I just loved it !! There were no cars at all and I only saw 2 motorbikes on the whole way.
When I was getting close to the city of Bacalar I called a hostel, but it was booked. At least they recommended another place: the „Posada Guadalupe“. It turned out to be a very good option. Only one block from the main plaza, nice and clean. I had to wait to do the check in, for the owner Antonio needed it to clean my room first, and it seemed like he would clean it for a following surgery-very efficient and professional.
I had a shower and went to have dinner. When I got back to my room I couldn´t stay awake. I fell asleep and I really slept like a baby