Hanging out in Jachal: Organizing how we do the long stretch of 160km to San Juan

Wednesday January 9, 2013

Our argentinian way of life: we got up so late that we went directly to have lunch. This time a real bife de chorizo. While eating, we thought about getting to our next destination San Juan. Riding by day it seems impossible to us due to the hot temperature and the fact that there isn´t a possibility to buy water or food as there is no village at all.

So we decided to cycle during the night. As I didn´t want my wife to ride at night (it´s not a most dangerous thing but without danger it isn´t either) we decided that she together with my nephew should take the bus in the morning and me and my son go by bike during the night. This seemed to be the best way, for anyway my wife and my nephew can´t keep up with us if we go as fast as we can, and that´s what we intended to do because of the long distance..

We figured it out like this to arrive at the same time at San Juan.
So me and my son prepared our stuff to start the night riding at about 9pm, when the son goes down while my wife was organizing the bus tickets.

Jachal plaza
Jachal plaza

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