Final thoughts

Monday February 10, 2014

We really loved cycling Sri Lanka. The island has to offer a lot of nature, we saw a lot of animals and we met wonderful people. It´s easy to find a stay for the night, there are plenty of guesthouses, most of the roads are in very good condition and not to forget the food is always fresh and tastes delicious.

If you should need any help, there´s always someone kind and polite who will lend you a helping hand and help you out. People are relaxed and with there friendly smiles create a peaceful atmosphere all over the country.

Maybe as a cyclist, you should avoid the big main roads, as there´s a lot of traffic, and the permanent blowing of the horns can get bothering.
It´s good to know the rainy seasons for the regions you want to cycle as they differ from coast to coast. So make sure you will have nice and sunny weather. If you go to the mountains, don´t forget to take a warm jacket with you, for the evenings and nights can be quite cold.
Anyway: Touring Sri Lanka is highly recommended!!!!

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