108 km (67 miles) – Total so far: 1,525 km (948 miles)
Accompanied by the sound of some blackbirds singing their morning tunes I was leaving the city very early at 6:30am. It took me about 30min until I got to the road I wanted to take. I had to pass all the industrial parts and the poor neighbourhoods of the town. Sometimes it was a little bit scary.
I arrived and found out that the road didn´t have any shoulders so I cycled very carefully and always watched what was going on behind me in my mirror – especially when I heard the big trucks approaching behind me. After 20kms I got a flat tire with the rear wheel. Probably when I changed the tires I didn´t see that there was a very small piece of some wire sticking in the tire. I needed my multitool to take it out. So I took off all of my panniers and changed the tube. I lost about 15min.
The sky was cloudy and grey but anyway thanks god there was no rain today and the temperature was 24C°. The road on some stretches was under construction and so sometimes they were comfortable shoulders but sometimes none and then it got very narrow. I was lucky that only once a truck passed me by very close…
The road was going up and down as usual and sometimes there were very longs climbs. I made today 650m of height distance. The landscape was changing. Sometimes agriculture with oil palms plantations and sometimes it seemed like maiden ground. I got to the village and I asked a taxi driver for a place to sleep. He knew some hotels ande gave the directions to me. One option was located on the road before you pass the entrance to the village but I didn´t see it and I passed it. I had to go back again 500m and when I found it, the lady said that the room would only be free in 1,5 hours. So I had to wait. I was lucky that in front of the hotel, on the road side there was a restaurant. So first I had a coffe and a cold coke.
When my room was ready I took a hot shower and updated the journal. Later I went to eat at the same restaurant I first had the coffee but I found that it was closed. Then I saw a lady (probably the owner?!) and I asked her if she couldn´t prepare me something to eat as an exception. She was nice and cooked especially for me some meat with beans and salad. The food was real good. Tasted wonderful. Gracias Seniora!!
Tomorrow will be quite a short ride so I think I will sleep a little bit longer and start maybe around 7 o´clock first.
Tomorrow will be quite a short ride so I think I will sleep a little bit longer and start maybe around 7 o´clock first.