Friday January 4, 2013, 38 km (24 miles) – Total so far: 38 km (24 miles)
In the morning I went to the bus station with my son to get the last bike. When the bus arrived I first couldn´t see it and I already thought, they didn´t send it. My blood pressure was already rising when I saw it hidden beneath all the other luggage.
It had arrived in the end-man I really was releaved. The bag was damaged a little bit, but the bike was o.k. We reassembled it and went back to the hostel. There I put all the „technical support“ like GPS and so on and then finally we headed for our first destination: Camping Rio Miranda.
The first impression on the road was the tremendous heat. Temperature was rising up to 47°C and there is no shadow at all. We climbed up 660m until we arrived at the camping, wich the locals described as very beautiful nearby a river and very natural. Well indeed it was a natural place wich rarely deserves the title of a camping, because besides the really beautiful nature there is absolutely nothing. No reception, no bathrooms or showers, no other people.
Just us and nature and some masoned barbecue spots. For god´s sake we had bought some hamburgers on our way, because we already had thought of making a barbecue at night at the camping. So we collected some wood to make a fire and we grilled our stuff. We took water from the river and filtered it with a „Steripen classic“, so we also had enough water to drink and no one got any kind of diarrhea-good job! All of us went to sleep very tired.

Ich bin angenehm überrascht von diesem Artikel überrascht, ich freue
mich auf die weitere Thema. Ich denke, dies ist ein sehr wertvoller Beitrag, wenn auch nicht bis zum Ende des Subjekts erschöpft, ist dennoch hilfreich
in letzter Zeit viel zu mir und ich benutze es bei der
Arbeit. Es ist offensichtlich, dass der Autor des Blogs
ist ein Experte und kennt sein Thema.