My night was over at 6 o’clock. A rooster who seemed to take his work very serious woke me up by proclaiming proudly -and loud- the start of a new day
I was lucky enough to fall a sleep again until 9:45.
I went for breakfast in my hostel but I already didn’t have too much expectations… Yesterday the lady had told me that they serve “continental breakfast” here. That’s usually white sandwich bread toasted and it comes with some butter and jelly. So it was, still I was happy I didn’t wake up so early today.
After I went to look for a money exchange place but everything was closed so I had to use an ATM.
As I was walking through the town the weather still was as bad as yesterday. Rainy showers sometimes real strong with small breaks in between. Definitely not nice and I am happy that I am not cycling today.
On my way back I stepped into a small market which was quite nice. Suddenly I saw some rats crossing right before my feet. It still was bright daylight so I really don’t want to imagine how it will be here at night…
Back at my guesthouse I had some curry with rice there. I felt too lazy to go out and look for a place to eat.
I took it easy, loaded some pictures and just listen to music. Hanging out.
Tomorrow I am planning to cross the border to Laos. Let’s see how everything goes.