Friday 28, December 2018 94,5 km – Total so far: 94,5 km
Today at 6 o’clock I was already awake. Again the night was not exactly perfect for sleeping. A lot of dogs barking loudly and all that cats having sex…
I loaded the panniers and wanted to step out of the hotel. What the f… The gate was closed, but then I got it that the key from the room was equal with the one for the gate and I stepped out.
At 7 I was pedaling and finding my way out of the city with google was no problem .
On this trip I am riding with only 2 panniers. I’m not used to it (normally I use two front rollers, too) and I must say in the beginning I didn’t like it at all.
The bike was shaking a lot but then I got more used to it and it felt more or less o. k. I think I will try to get a cheap rack for the front to put some weight there also. For this will feel better I guess, more balanced.
I waited at a traffic light when suddenly a young guy a cured next to me also with a bike and panniers. He talked to me in English and I knew according to his accent he had to be a german guy. His name was Tom or Tommy. He was on his way to a farm where he wanted to work for some time and we cycled together for 2 hours. Tom or Tommy was riding a cheap chines bike that he had bought here and also carried a lot of luggage. I enjoyed the company.
I rode on the main road 118 where there were lots of constructions with a lot of dirt. The hills where pretty good – sometimes very steep like 15%! I had to walk some meters pushing the bike because when I was pedaling the steep stretches my front wheel lifted off the ground and sometimes there was no shoulder. Finally I reached the top.
I really enjoyed the following downhill speeding up to 73km. Amazing! I just loved it.
At 15:30 I reached my destination Dr.Lee farm. It’s a beautiful place with a lot of animals and the bungalows are really lovely.
I showered, went for dinner and fell asleep like a baby.