Thursday January 12, 2012, 73 km (45 miles) – Total so far: 177 km (110 miles)
A really scenic trip pedalling a small part on the main road until turning right direction Orosi and riding through the valley of this nice river.
The road constantly changes between going up and down and leads through coffee plants, banana plants, with some adventurous bridges and only little traffic.
At the end of the valley, the road gets unpaved wich makes it little uncomfortable when the cars or trucks pass you by, because you have to go through huge clouds of dust.
In the end we arrived at Turrialban, a small and not exactly attractive town. Again we had passed almost 1000m of altitude altogether at this tour. The „Interamericana“ , described as a good place to stay, turned out to be a more or less place, with staff more or less friendly, a room more or less loud, a bed more or less comfortable and a shower more or less warm. At least the internet connexion in the lounge was o.k., but for 35 USD it seemed a lot overpriced to us.