Today I woke up very early. It was only 6:30a.m. I started to pack my stuff because today I needed to change my guesthouse again. They don´t have any room left for me, and I did my online reservation for only one night.
I had talked to the owner before and she had already offered her help to find a new room, so after I finished my tea we went to see an apartment and a cheap hotel she had suggested.
I took a room in the Coral Hotel for one night (350 Pesos). I feel a little bit better and tomorrow I am starting with my trip to Mexico city and I am so happy!!! .
I took a shower in my new room and they had hot water – just can´t believe it!!!. Next door I got me something to eat. Real mexican food. It was good. After I went to the supermarket to buy some water ,bananas and some food for the trip tomorrow.