Saturday January 26, 2013, 92 km (57 miles) – Total so far: 1,380 km (857 miles)
Buta Ranquil is quite small and when we left at 7.30 am, we hardly could find a store open. So we just bought some sweet stuff to eat during the day. No chance to get some bananas, which serve most to give you energy and don´t make your stomach feel filled up with food. Some water and on we went.
The day turned out to be hot and windy again and the road was climbing up in many curves. On top of the first mountain we already were running out of water almost. We met some rangers and they told us „here begins the windy stretch until the village of Chos Malal“ – at least they gave some water to us and a lot of good wishes for the way….
Well it was like they said and when we arrived at 7.00 pm at „Chos Malal“ we really felt exhausted. At least the last 10 km to „Chos Malal“ were an espactular downhill- the reward for a tough ride with again more than 1200 height meters.