Bacalar-Xpujil: First military check point and a broken rear spoke

124 km (77 miles) – Total so far: 744 km (462 miles)

Today I didn´t hear my alarm bell ringing so I woke up at 7 o´clock which is pretty late for me on a cycling day. I shortened the usual morning ceremony and at 7:30 I was on the road.

In the beginning the road seemed more a highway with big shoulders (which I apreciated because there was a lot of traffic). It leads to Chetumal at the Guatemala border. Some guys on racing bike passed and I managed to stick myself behind the car that was supporting them. I think they felt quite irritated and I was going like this (at 26 kms/h) until I took the turn to road 186.

From here all the way to Xpujil the road was hilly, hilly and – hilly. Up and down all the time. Very exhausting. At least there was no wind ahead. Lucky me. Temperature was rising up to 39C° and I had to do a lot of breaks due to the hot sun.
For the first time I had to pass two military check-points. At one of them, a young soldier began to ask me where I was coming from and where I wanted to go. Then he wanted to check my bags. For god´s sake another one came and began to ask me some facts about the tour and the bike. I put the nicest smile on my face and chatted a little while with him – he really was interested. After he just waved me through the toll gate without bothering me. Cool.

Then, about 30 kms before Xpujil an extra-problem occurred: a rear spoke broke and I decided to stop to get it fixed right there on the roadside. For me a world premiere: this was the first time ever a spoke broke while touring with „Bike Friday“. I tried to fix it right there, but I couldn´t manage to. I don´t have a new nipple with me and there was still a little piece of the spoke inside the wheel´s current nipple. I just couldn´t get it out.

Back home in Argentina they say (after they finished swearing like crazy) „es lo que hay“ in such a situation. In english approximately „this is all that´s offered- take it or leave it“. I pedaled on with one spoke missing. Good bike friday, it didn´t let me down, although handicapped.
These permanent ups and downs really made me tired today. Anyway – on the last km I was going fast. I only wanted to arrive. My Hotel Calakmul where I had reserved a room in advance was easy to find.
Hunger !!! I got a shower and went to eat. Chicken with rice and beans. What a lovely dinner !!!

Here I turned to Xpujil
Here I turned to Xpujil
Bananas plantation
Bananas plantation
Nice shoulder bike lane
Nice shoulder bike lane
Yes nobody!!!
Yes nobody!!!
Thanks God there this big shoulder
Thanks God there this big shoulder
Bye bye Quintana Roo welcome to Campeche!!
Bye bye Quintana Roo welcome to Campeche!!
After a long ride arriving
After a long ride arriving

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