Ayutthaya: Second day visiting more temples

Wednesday 30, January 2019 19 km – Total so far 2172km

I woke up like always, went to have breakfast and had a nice talk to an english couple. They were such nice people and I forgot the time a little bit. When I finally looked at my watch it was almost noon, 11:30.

Quickly I got ready and took my bike. I wanted to look for the reclined Buddha. It is a temple that lies a little bit outside of the city.

On my way I passed a place with a lot of elephants. They are all there to take tourists for a ride. Poor animals….The area seemed kind of empty with no people at all.

Peaceful. In one of the temples I saw a green snake but it was so fast that I couldn t take a picture.

I continued my trip outside the city and I went to see other Wats. Also one Catholic Church appeared. To go back to my guesthouse I had to take a small ferry and when I arrived it was already 4pm.

I met a Germany guy called Ralph also traveling by bike. Of course we exchanged our experiences. He is on the road for 2 months already and probably will be another 2 months more. Oh, I envied him.

I did the journal and packed my panniers. Tomorrow will be my last day of cycling. How I’m gonna miss it!! Better not to think about it…..
I went to have dinner with Ralph to the stall close to the guesthouse.

We both enjoyed the tasty food and while we were eating and talking we had a couple of beers. We really had a good time.
When we went back I met the english couple from the morning and had another drink with them.

Finally at 11pm I went to my room to finish packing all my stuff. I could feel the drinks a little bit, and I wonder when I will get up tomorrow…

Elephants for tourist
Elephants for the tourist
Elephants for the tourist
Elephants for the tourist
Elephants for the tourist
Elephants for the tourist
 Temple of the Reclining Buddha (Wat Lokayasutharam

Temple of the Reclining Buddha Wat Lokayasutharam
Temple of the Reclining Buddha Wat Lokayasutharam
Temple of the Reclining Buddha Wat Lokayasutharam
Another Stupa
Another Stupa
Stupa and Buddha
Stupa and Buddha
Smiling Buddha
Smiling Buddha
Smiling Buddha
Smiling Buddha
Ruins of a Temple
Ruins of a Temple
Another Buddha
Another Buddha
Stairs to heaven
Stairs to heaven
This temple I find it on my way
This temple I find it on my way
This temple I find it on my way
This temple I find it on my way
This temple I find it on my way
This temple I find it on my way
Saint Joseph Church
Saint Joseph Church
Wat Phutthaisawan
Wat Phutthaisawan
Wat Phutthaisawan
Wat Phutthaisawan


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