Dan Khun Thot-Saraburi :Nice small roads and highway to hell

Saturday 26, January 2019 154 km – Total so far 2090km

My inner alarm: at 6 o’clock I woke up. During the night I was awake many times. Maybe because yesterday I went to sleep so early.

At 7 o’clock I sat on my bike Friday pedaling again. I passed by a lake and I saw another of those beautiful Asian sunrises. Very nice to start a new day.
In the beginning I took the highway for a couple of kms.

After I went on a small road where first there was some traffic but after a while it got less. I passed a beautiful Wat and when I was taking pictures a Monk came up to me and tried to chat a little with me in his few english words.

Today „Google“ send me to a very, very small sandy road – a short cut. It was tough pedaling and I was thinking „if this road stays like this all the time I am not going to make it to my destination“. I was lucky. It went on like this for only 15kms.

It turned to be another paved small road where I was passing a lot of small villages. There were a lot of farms and all had a lot of milk cows. At one farm there was like a coffee shop attached and I drank a cold coffee with a lot of ice – really delicious.

What was a surprise today was that the hills came back. There were several to climb and in the end I did almost 900m of altitude.

At about 32km before my destination I had to go on highway number 2. First I was pedaling the wrong direction – which I realized immediately. Unfortunately it wasn’t possible to cross so I was riding the wrong way for some kms until I finally had a chance to cross.

Thanks God there were shoulders to cycle on. It was really loud and terrible to ride. So many trucks, buses and cars. A night mare.
5pm I arrived in the city of Sarabouri and I could find a nice room close to the train station. I took a shower and I went to eat in a real restaurant! The food was ok but hey – nothing special.

On my way back I visited the night market and I bought some pine apple and water melon. Tomorrow I think there will only be like 60kms to go so I easily could sleep a little be longer. I hope I will !!!

Sun rise at the lake
Sun rise at the lake
Alway with helmet...
Alway with helmet…
Secondary road
Secondary road
The white Temple
The white Temple
Dragon guard
Dragon guard
The elephants
The elephants
Dragon portrait
Dragon portrait
Here was my breakfast today
Here was my breakfast today
Very nice, nobody
Very nice, nobody
Mountains waiting for me
Mountains waiting for me
Sandy road
Sandy road
Sandy road
Sandy road
Color Buddha
Color Buddha
Nice old tracks
Nice old tracks
Highway to hell
Highway to hell



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