Kalpitiya: Chilling and visit from our friends from Sigiriya Milton and family

Sunday January 21th, 2018

Last night I went to bed about 22 but I couldn´t sleep until 2:30 I wasn´t tired at all. Maybe due to the 3l of black tea I drunk…..

At about 08:30 we got up and had this lovely delicious breakfast here. This local food can´t be beaten by the western style white sandwich toasts (untoasted!) with butter and jam you can get alternativly.

While we were eating, our friend Milton called. He said he could not wait to meet us and so he decided to drive all the way from Sigiriya up to here. Amazing! It will take him about 4 hours and we are going to visit him anyway! Milton and in general the people here have a very big heart.

We are happy and really moved by this warm act of friendship
Time went fast when we were eating together in the only restaurant we found in downtown Kalpitriya. We talked about what happened meanwhile when we didn´t see each other.

It was so much fun. I think their good mood and their readiness to laugh even for the smallest reasons could open anyone´s heart. What an amazing energy!

Sadly they had to go back in the evening for working reasons, but we are already looking foreward to see them in Sigiriya in a while.

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