72 km (45 miles) – Total so far: 163 km (101 miles)
At 8 am we started, had a short stop at the Minisupermarket to provide us with water, bananas and peanuts and on we went to the small village of „El Cuyo“ right on the sea. Cycling was nice and easy, almost no traffic and good roads.
As soon as we were getting close, we had the sea right beside us and we could watch our first flamigos standing relaxed in the shallow water, some on one leg only. When you approach and they fly away they do like a water-start.
That´s amazing and looks kind of funny. They run with these long, super skinny legs that look so unskillful on the water surface and as soon they find they have enough speed for the take off they move these huge wings and fly. And then they look so elegant, just beautiful. We loved to watch them and enjoyed their rose color that makes such a beautiful contrast to the blue sea. Awesome!
„El Cuyo“ could be the little hideaway for the people that try to get away from the tourist spots. It´s a nice small port village and has a beautiful pier where you can watch pelicans fishing but also can enjoy the sea. There were hardly any tourists here.
Again we had a small dinner at a local Loncheria and stayed in the Posada close to the ocean on the main street. (There seem to be two of them). El Cuyo is really a nice place to be.