Saturday January 18, 2014
It´s hot in Unawatuna! This morning we changed our room to an a/c option (wasn´t vacant yesterday), so tonight we´re going to sleep with cool, nice temperature. Before taking some refreshing bath in the ocean, I wanted to get cut my hair.
The hairdresser shop seemed to be busy, could be easily the only one in town. The shop itself looked more than basic, but the hair stylist was up to date. After discussing my haircut (really difficult with my hair!!) he started with good, german(!) sissors and not only did a great job, but gave an awesome massage of the face, the head, the arms, the hands and the upper back afterwards.
Maybe we should introduce this back home in germany….
We had a nice swim then, the sea is soft here, no big waves, and the water is warm. What more can you desire??