Santa Rosas de Osos – Valdivia : The downhill starts

Amazing landscape

Monday 06 , January 2020 88,3 km – Total so far: 656,2 km

I woke up at 05:45 and at 06:45 I already had breakfast.The usual menu: scrambles eggs, some arepas and coffee.
I started pedaling at a temperature of 12°C. It was 7:30 in the morning and the new day was dawning.The road went up and down and the landscape once again looked like Switzerland.

Later on the sun came out and it felt so good to feel the warm sunbeams on my body and skin. Temperature rose up to 24°C and it was fun to cycle. Very nice. I enjoyed.

Before arriving at Yarumal I stopped in the middle of nowhere to have a coffee. I saw the woman who worked there was doing some handcraft and I asked her about it. She showed me her work then. She was doing all kinds of handcrafts with bottle caps, very nice. She already won a big price in 2014. It was amazing. She e.g. did all of the tricots, balls etc. of Colombian’s national team. Super interesting.

Today I found a machete on the road and I carried it with me. Then I saw a guy working in the fields and asked him if he wanted to have the machete. Yes, and how he wanted! He really was so happy he almost kissed me when I gave it to him.

My plan today was to go to Yarumal but I already arrived there at noon and  I was still feeling fit. After I had some lunch there I decided to keep going on to Valdivia.

Valdivia is just a small village at the side of the road. I was happy that at least they had a hotel there.

After a shower I went to eat. The food was not fresh. Warmed up chicken. Not very tasty.

I went back to my room and did the routine work. Packing my stuff and then going to sleep. It was 9:30pm.

Lets go
Lets go
Happy cows
Happy cows
More mountains
More mountains
Passing Yarumal
Passing Yarumal
The rock
The rock
Having a break
Having a break
View from Yarumal
View from Yarumal
At the top
At the top
The artist lady
The artist lady
The coffee shop
The coffee shop
Bottle caps art
Bottle caps art
Bottle caps art
Bottle caps art
 Vultures orgy
Vultures orgy
Farmer carrying  milk churns
Farmer carrying milk churns
The really downhill begins
The really downhill begins
A lot of fog
A lot of fog
A lot of fog
A lot of fog
Valdivia here I am
Valdivia here I am
View from my room
View from my room
View from my room
View from my room

Bogota – Villeta: My first climbs and a lovely downhill almost 30km

Beautiful view of the mountains

Thursday 26, December 2019 113 km – Total so far: 113 km

Today at 5:30 I already was awake. I felt so ecxited – my first day on the roads of Colombia. I couldn’t sleep anymore. I was ready to start.

I loaded the panniers on my bike, had a coca tea and did the check out . When I started pedaling it was about 7:20am.

Getting out of Bogota was not too bad in the beginning. I was using google map – pedestrian mode – but then it always took me to wrong directions somehow. Finally I was fed up and I changed to Mapsme which was the better choice.

It took me about 24km to get out of town. Bogota really is big….. I passed through areas you don’t want to be when it’s dark…

I cycled a secondary road (Number 15) and then took the main road 50 to Medellin. From there on the road started to climb really hard. It was even more challenging as it was my first day of cycling and my body still had to adapt to the high altitude.

I took it very easy and did a lot of breaks.

It was amazing how many cyclists were there on the roads of Colombia. I never expected Colombia to be such a biking nation! Nice!

I kept on climbing and about 12 o’clock I reached the top called Alto dell Vino at 2840 m over see level.

An old man came up to me and I chatted a little bit with him. He told me he was keepig fit like this and that last year he even did the Pre-Tour the France. Incredible! 

Then another guy called Fernando showed up and joined our conversation. Fernando made me change my plans….. Originally I had planned to do the downhill just for about 15kms where there is a small village called San Francisco.  As Fernando was from Villeta he convinced me to go there instead of San Francisco. Still 53 kms to go but about 30kms just downhill. After that some few small hills and you are already there. Easy.

He was on his way back home and also going there. So we started to pedal together to Villeta.

The downhill was great, but the few small hills after were, too. I told Fernando to ride up in his own rhythm and wait for me at the top but he didn’t want to. He said „You don’t do that. You don’t leave nobody behind“. So he kept on pedaling my slow pace with his fast racing bike. Very nice. 

The last 2 hills then really were killing me. I was just finished. Going real slow and Fernando still trying to motivate me. That was kind of⁷ cool,  but I already got cramps in my legs and I needed to walk for some meters. Fernando got off his bike and walked with me. He impressed me.

At 4pm we arrived in Villeta and before he left he took me to a hotel from his family. Very nice experience to cycle with him.

I took a shower and washed my clothes. Later on I went downtown and found an Italian restaurant…I ate spagetthi bolognesa with 2 big beers! Wonderful.

When I came back to my room I did some work on the blog and I went to sleep at 21:30.

Leaving my guesthouse Casa Prada
Leaving my guesthouse Casa Prada
Highway in Bogota
Highway in Bogota
Highway Nr 50 to Medellin
Highway Nr 50 to Medellin
Secondary road Nr 15
Secondary road Nr 15
Secondary road Nr 15
Secondary road Nr 15
Empty road, just for me
Empty road, just for me
Back in the highway Nr 50
Back on highway Nr 50
My first climb done
My first climb is done
Beautiful view of the mountains
Beautiful view of the mountains
Hight like the clouds
High like the clouds
Fernando my cyclist companion
Fernando my cyclist companion
Beautiful view of the mountains
Beautiful view of the mountains
Coffee bushes
Coffee bushes
Small cascade
Small cascade
We finally arrived
We finally arrived