Tuesday 23th, January 2018
I feel so much better today, I slept very good.
We had a wonderful breakfast and after a wonderful shower. The place is quiet and peaceful and I´m surrounded by the loving care of Milton´s family. Very much healing energy here!
We chilled until we went for our appointment at the doctor in Dambulla. That was kind of an adventure for me. It´s quite different from what you know in Europe. We had to pay the treatment at the entrance before getting it or even seeing the doctor from far.
Then we waited on plastic chairs together with some estimated 50 other people, a lot of them standing, as there were no more chairs.
Milton´s son was with us, and suddenly he bowed his head in front of a lady, touching her feet and doing a “Namaste gesture”. We were like “wow, was what that?” and Milton explained to us that this woman was a former teacher of his son.
The gesture is just for showing respect. Wow we thought, this is what german teachers can dream of, being honored this way. That´s the way sri lankan pupils greet their teachers when they enter or leave the classroom. Amazing. Unbelieveble compared to our system. We were impressed.
After 45min of waiting Milton was asking about our appointment and the nurse at the reception was checking the situation for us and suddenly we could enter the doctor´s room straight. The room was small and kind of rusty, but the doctor did a normal examination.
Asked me things, looked into my throat and all this stuff. After I had to buy his medications in the attached pharmacy and that was it. In the pharmacy you get the exact amount of pills the doctor wrote, they don´t sell packages. The pills get packed into tiny paper bags and they write on these paper bags by hand how you have to take them. In the end I was carrying three little paper bags outside, with no idea what is for what. But I think I can figure it out later.
At night we had dinner together with the family and it was pure fun. It´s really nice here.