Caucasia – Monteria : Easy ride almost flat

Thursday 09, January 2020 122km – Total so far: 907,2 km

At 6:15 I started to bring all my stuff downstairs and loaded the bike. I was on my way out of the city at 8:30. Temperature was already 26°C degrees and there was a lot of humidity in the air. It felt like a sauna.

The road was quite average-nothing special. Cycling was kind of boring.The landscape was meadow. A lot of cattle everywhere. You could see those big farms with huge farmhouses. This region is famous for its cattle breeding.

I thought for sure the road would be flat today but that turned out to be a nice dream….I mean there were definitely flat stretches in between but always with a lot of small hills going up and down. In the end I made 500m of altitude difference. While I was riding I saw people selling parrots and tucans and I felt for the poor birds. To me a bird inside a cage seems to be a  torture for this animal who’s nature is to fly.

At 8 am I stopped for breakfast. Same procedure as every morning: eggs and rice. I still thought about the birds. Crazy. 

Also in this part of the country the roadside looked a little bit more dirty than the days before. Sometimes I cannot understand why peole are so dirty. They stop, enjoy the tree’s shadow for a break and after they leave all their garbage. Plastic bottles, dipers etc. Disgusting. Another thing that impressed me very much today was a guy who’s way to travel was hanging on to the back of a container truck. Crazy!

I pedaled on and temperature was rising high. At 1 pm it was real hot. I was lucky that in the middle of nowhere suddenly appeared a “restaurant”. At that time my water inside the cycling  bottle was already to cook tea with and I was so thirsty. The „restaurant“ saved me. I stopped, enioyed a cold drink and besides had some chicken with rice.

Regain of energy! I kept going as fast as I could but then for about 15km no possibility to get myself something to drink. Again I was thirsty like hell and again the water of my cycling bottle was cooking.This time no restaurant. I had to keep going until I reached the city about 3:30pm. That’s life.

Thanks god I found a good hotel with AC. I first took a shower and then a well deserved power nap.

In the evening I went to an Italian restaurant and had a real big pizza. I felt so hungry like I could eat a „family size“ one.

With stomach full I came back to my hotel did some blog work and about 10pm I went to sleep.

Nice shoulder
Nice shoulder
 Sea ​​route
Sea ​​route
New state
New state
Up and down
Up and down
 This is a bull
This is a bull
 So that it is not so boring, a curve now
So that it is not so boring, a curve now
 I need a little rest
I need a little rest
Wild huge lemon
Wild huge lemon
Colombian cowboys
Colombian cowboys
Really hot!
Really hot!
Hot, hot!
Hot, hot!
Respect the cyclist
Respect the cyclist
 Definitely arriving at destination
Definitely arriving at destination

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