Chilling in Tilcara

Sunday January 9, 2011

Today we got up late and after having breakfast we decided to visit the ruins of Pucara,wich is about two km out of town.This ruins are a pre inca fortification located on a hill.

On the top there is a rebuilt small temple pyramid and you got an awsome view of Tilcara.Close to the entry there is a small botanic garden wich itself is not very well maintained but it has a huge rock that rings like a bell when you knock on it- very cool.

The rest of the day we just hung out and in the evening we went to a Penia with argentinian folk music.

Hotel Punta Corral
Hotel Punta Corral
Pucara ruins
Pucara ruins
On the top of Pucara ruins
On the top of Pucara ruins
View from the top of Pucara ruins
View from the top of Pucara ruins




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