Friday December 28, 2012
Colorful houses and streets caracterize the neighborhood of La Boca with the famous street called „Caminito“. „La Boca: Where the immigrants stranded in former times“ weiterlesen
Visiting Recoleta: Where the rich one´s live and are buried
Thursday December 27, 2012
Today we visited the neighborhood of Recoleta, the part of Buenos Aires where the famous cemetery with all the big heads of argentinian history is located.
„Visiting Recoleta: Where the rich one´s live and are buried“ weiterlesen
Strolling along in the center of Buenos Aires: Around Plaza de Mayo and Casa rosada
Wednesday December 26, 2012
Almost the sun is too hot to do some sightseeing, but anyway we headed to the center of town by subway. The ticket sale´s counters were all empty and closed, so no one bought a ticket. We also took it as a nice christmas gift from the town of BAs, muchas gracias!
„Strolling along in the center of Buenos Aires: Around Plaza de Mayo and Casa rosada“ weiterlesen
Getting started: Leaving Germany for Buenos Aires
Tuesday December 18, 2012
Today we are leaving the cold winter temperatures of Germany!! We are ready for the argentinian summer!
The first two weeks we´ll be spending with the family and friends, just hanging out and relaxing.
„Getting started: Leaving Germany for Buenos Aires“ weiterlesen